How A Toddler Eats Yogurt

5:42 PM

If only I was this happy when I ate yogurt. Ellie really enjoys eating with a spoon these days and yogurt is one of her favorite things. She went a little overboard here with her bowl of Nancy's Yogurt , but in this house we all agree that it's some of the best yogurt we have ever had. We are getting quite spoiled with so much yummy, local food available here in Portland. 

We are also heading out on another camping trip on the Oregon Coast this week. We are all super excited and I will definitely have photos to share when we get back later this week. We hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day Weekend as much as Ellie enjoyed her yogurt yesterday! :)

Saved the best for last. I love this one!

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  1. Such a wonderful moment from childhood to capture as you did in these beautiful photos. That ringlet behind her left ear is glorious! Hope you have a fun camping trip!

  2. Beautiful photos. It's so nice to have seen your photography and art evolve the last several years. I hope to make it to the west coast some time :) Be well!
